Football Betting Betting Guide! The most detailed rules introduction!

The football betting game offers 4 kinds of gameplay, namely “Winning, Draw and Loss Game”, “Score Game”, “Total Goals Game” and “Half-time Winning Game”. The guessing game is managed by the Sports Lottery of the State Sports General Administration The center is selected and announced to the public.

Football betting win draw game

Select 1 game and bet on the result of “win”, “draw” and “loss” of the home team in the full 90 minutes (including injury time) of the home team.

Example: Manchester United (Home) VS Liverpool (Away)

football betting

When the disparity between the strengths of the two teams is large, the way of handicap is adopted to determine the relationship between the two sides. The number of handicap will remain the same once it is determined.

The handicap is divided into the home team handicap and the away team handicap.
Example: Inter (-1) VS Juventus

football betting

Football betting score game

Lottery players select 1 game and bet on the specific score of the game in 90 minutes (including injury time) of the game. If the lottery player can guess correctly, the prize is won.

There are 31 score result options in this game, as follows:

  1. The score for the home team to win:
    “2:0”, “2:1”
    “3:0”, “3:1”, “3:2”
    “4:0”, “4:1”, “4:2”
    “5:0” “5:1”, “5:2”
    and “Win other” (other than the above-mentioned score, the main to win other scores, such as “5:3” or “6:1”)
  1. The home team and the away team tie the score:
    And “tie other” (except for the above score, other scores between the home and away teams, such as “4:4”)
  1. “0:1”, “0:2”, “0:3”, “0:4”, “0:5”
    “1:2”, “1:3”, “1:4”, “1:5”
    “2:3”, “2:4”, “2:5”
    and “Loss Others” (other than the above-mentioned scores, by which the home team loses, such as “4:5” or “0:8”)

Soccer Betting Total Goals Game

Select 1 game and bet on the total number of goals scored by both sides in the whole 90 minutes (including injury time) of the game. If the lottery player can guess correctly, the prize is won.

There are 8 total goals result options in this game: “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6” and “7+”.

Indicates that the total number of goals scored by the home and away teams is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 or more.

Soccer Betting Semi-Final Game

One game is selected, and bets will be placed on the home team’s “win”, “draw” and “lose” results in 45 minutes (including injury time) in the first half and 90 minutes (including injury time) in the full game.

If the lottery player can guess correctly, the prize is won. There are 9 game result options in this game, they are:

  1. “Winning”: that is, the home team wins the first half and the home team wins the whole game
  2. “Winning draw”: that is, the home team wins the first half and the home team draws the whole game
  3. “Winning or losing”: that is, the home team wins in the first half and the home team loses in the whole game
  4. “Die Victory”: The home team is tied in the first half and the home team wins the whole game
  5. “Ping Ping”: that is, the home team is tied in the first half and the home team is tied at the whole game
  6. “Die”: that is, the home team is tied in the first half and the home team loses in the whole game
  7. “Losing”: that is, the home team loses in the first half, and the home team wins the whole game
  8. “Negative draw”: that is, the home team loses in the first half and the home team draws at the whole game
  9. “Negative”: that is, the home team loses in the first half, and the home team loses in the whole game

Soccer betting betting methods

If you choose 1 betting result, it is a single bet; if you choose 2 or more betting results, it is a multiple bet.

If you choose 1 game for betting, it is a single bet; if you choose 2 or more games for a series bet, it is a parlay bet.

Soccer betting bonus calculation

Football betting games have a bonus of 71% of sales.
Single lottery maximums for fixed prizes:

  1. If you choose 2-3 pass bets, the maximum bonus limit for a single bet is 200,000 yuan
  2. If you choose 4-5 pass bets, the maximum bonus limit for a single bet is 500,000 yuan
  3. If you choose 6 or more pass bets, the maximum bonus limit for a single bet is 1 million yuan

Author Profile – Yuki

A freshman born in the 2000s, majoring in the Department of Mass Communication in college, his hobbies are tourism, outside shooting, and tracking the lace news of major football stars. He is a standard sports star chaser. Currently working as a news media worker, I lead everyone to know the special side of the stars, and I often get a lot of responses from readers. I dream of becoming a sports anchor one day.